Nomination for Best Manuscripts

About the award: The Best Manuscript Award has been introduced as a new category in AutHer Awards. An initiative of J K Papers and Times of India, this unique award has been constituted to encourage young budding female writers to get their work published.

How to fill the form

The Best Manuscript Award has been introduced as a new category this year.

Note: Please use the Google Chrome browser to fill up the form. Kindly clear your browser cache before filling out the form.

The hardcopy of the manuscript is not be required at the time of nomination

Eligibility Criteria

  1. This award is only for women authors.
  2. Age group of the writer: 14 to 18 years old.
  3. The manuscript is the participant’s original work, and the manuscript has not had any prior publication, whole or in part, in any language and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  4. In case of a retelling, the plot and content should be original.
  5. The manuscript should be in the English language only.
  6. Category/genre of the manuscript: Fiction.
  7. Manuscript can also be a collection of short stories or a novel/novella.
  8. Only the residents of India are eligible to participate.
  9. Manuscript should have a minimum word limit of 40,000 words.
  10. Writers should not be represented by an agent.


  1. Forms to be submitted in English language only.
  2. Only entries submitted online will be accepted.
  3. Last date for submission of entries is 20th January 2025.
  4. The Awards’ Curator may call in any eligible manuscript for the consideration of the Jury, at his/her discretion on a confidential basis.
  5. Any discrepancies observed during the eligibility check may lead to disqualification.
  6. In any dispute about the rules, results or any matter relating to the conduct of the Prize, the decision of the Curator will be considered as final and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  7. In consultation with the jury, the Curator has the right to eliminate any manuscript whose final version differs substantially from the first submitted version.
  8. Acceptance of declaration is mandatory for submission of forms/entries.
  9. The font size should be 12 points, style: Arial with spacing of 1.5mm Manuscript to be submitted with a 500 words synopsis.


I, hereby confirm that:

  1. The manuscript’s author is a girl between 14 to 18 years.
  2. The manuscript has been written in English language.
  3. The manuscript author resides in India.
  4. The manuscript is an original work and has not been re-published/re-written.
  5. You acknowledge and agree that the author must disclose the use of generative AI and AIassisted technologies in the writing process along with the name of tools used and the purpose/extent of usage.
  1. I take full responsibility for the accuracy, validity, and integrity of the content presented in the manuscript. Any errors or oversights are my sole responsibility.
  2. If the manuscript contains third-party copyright material(s), it is my sole responsibility to obtain permission from the relevant copyright holder for reusing the material(s), including any associated licensing fee.
  3. On behalf of all co-authors (if any), I shall bear full responsibility for the submission
  4. In case of any third-party dispute due to my participation, I shall indemnify BCCL, JK Paper, their affiliates, directors, employees and any third-party related to this initiative against any such third-party claim.
  5. The organisers of the Contest shall be free to uphold and if necessary, cancel this participation in case of any doubts arising out from the content/documents/information being provided. Further, the organisers shall be at their sole discretion, be free to proceed against me if any information furnished is found to be incorrect or false.

Please Fill Details Below

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Please Fill Author Details Below

Name of the Author:
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Author Contact Number:
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Date of Birth
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Short Author Profile: up to 150 words:
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Please Fill Book Details Below

Title of the manuscript:
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Award Category:
  • - Select an Option -
  • Fiction
  • Non Fiction
  • Children's Author
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Summary of Book (500 words)
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Upload Author Profile Image:
Kindly upload your profile Image (JPG only)
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Upload Excerpt From The Manuscript ( 12 font size Arial; 1.5 line spacing; Synopsis is a must – not more than 500 words)
Kindly attach an excerpt from the Manuscript (max 3 pages PDF/not more than 500 words only)
Upload 2-3 page excerpt from the book..(upto 600 KB)
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Upload Author Identity Proof:
Kindly submit proof of identity, address and nationality (passport, OCI, POI, aadhaar card & driving license acceptable), JPG & PDF format only.
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Source of Information about this award?
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You acknowledge and agree that the author must disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process along with the name of tools used and the purpose/extent of usage.
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Please Accept Declaration
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